Bringing people together, one dip at a time.

🌊 🏊‍♀️ 🌅 🤝 🌿

Despite all the promises of the modern world—social media, dating apps, limitless connectivity—we feel more disconnected from each other and the world around us than ever before. We crave real connection but often don’t know where or how to find it.

Le Watermelon is here to change that. Our solution? It’s pretty simple. Get wet.

We are a London-based crew of aquatic adventuring, wild swimming enthusiasts building a community of frens who love a dip and a good old-fashioned chit chat. Our mission is to bring together friends who haven’t met yet through regular social swims, side quests of all varieties and a general ethos of fun-loving inclusivity.

If that sounds like your cup of tea you should join us for a social swim. Go on, you know you want to.

Wait, who are you?

🦘 ☀️ 🍸 ⚖️ 🏄‍♂️

I’m Saxon and I grew up in Perth, Western Australia—a long, long way from the exhilarating slipstream that is London.

Weirdly I used to love those corporate icebreakers where you got asked “tell us some facts about yourself” (self-indulgent I know), so let’s start there.

I used to be a lawyer and at one point was thinking about becoming a journalist. I once went to North Korea and took a ride on a rollercoaster. I love the beach, wild swimming, surfing—basically anything where I can get a lil bit soggy. My favourite cocktail is a Death in the Afternoon. I’m a major fan (if not one of the all-time biggest fans) of The Bee Gees.

Le Watermelon is really personal for me. I wanted to create something that combined my two great passions—the water and bringing people together—and could play some small role in reconnecting what I feel is an utterly disconnected world.

Part swim club, part banging merch, part outlet for my inner musings on life. It’s a bit of a hodgepodge but it’s authentically me and, I hope, a small conduit for joy and connection in this mad thing we call life.

I’m always up for a chat so if you want to get in touch drop me an email or feel free to send a DM on Insta (@saxrippa or @lewatermelonuk).

~ Sax ~

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